Christy Mihos won't be getting any help from his kin this campaign season. His brother Jim is supporting Kerry Healey and is not shy about it :
From: Jim Mihos
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 11:46 AM
Subject: Donation
Good Morning,
My wife and I are pleased to have recently contributed to the Lt Governors campaign. We do so because we believe that Kerry Healey is the most qualified candidate amongst the four contenders but also in part because we are embarrassed by the way my brother Christy has treated the Lt Governor during the campaign. While he may disagree with some of her positions his disrespect for the office of the Lt Governor and Kerry Healey as an individual is abhorrent to us. We sincerely hope that in a small way our donation will mitigate Christys despicable behavior.
Jim Mihos
Thanksgiving should be fun this year.
# posted by EaBo Clipper @ 6:17 AM