Friday, October 06, 2006
"No is the answer because I'm running for Governor.."

When asked in a press conference if he would support parole for Ben LaGuer, the savage rapist, today with the DNA evidence the Boston Globe reports this was Deval Patrick's answer:``No is the answer because I'm running for governor, and now everything is overly scrutinized."
That's not all he also tries to school us all on what Parole really is:
``If the question is would I have gotten involved knowing that DNA testing had been done -- I will tell you I think that's hard, because the question of parole is a broader question than guilt or innocence," he said. ``That question is about whether time has been served and the readiness for release."
Felons rejoice, there's may be a new sherrif in town. Bad Boys, Bad Boys what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do, when Deval supports you, Bad Boys.