Friday, November 03, 2006
Some define hubris as "excessive pride which usually leads to the downfall of the tragic hero in Greek drama."
Deval Patrick would be wise to study that definition. Because he is acting arrogant by not not.making appearances publicly for a whole day the last week of the election. What is the problem, are his handlers afraid that we'll see the real Patrick at a public event, and maybe a YouTube video will start ciruclating that has his true feelings in it? Nah, I just think its the same reason he won't debate Kerry Healey one on one, because he's a chicken. Bwaaak Bwaaak
Deval Patrick would be wise to study that definition. Because he is acting arrogant by not not.making appearances publicly for a whole day the last week of the election. What is the problem, are his handlers afraid that we'll see the real Patrick at a public event, and maybe a YouTube video will start ciruclating that has his true feelings in it? Nah, I just think its the same reason he won't debate Kerry Healey one on one, because he's a chicken. Bwaaak Bwaaak