Friday, November 10, 2006


Where to from here?

Where do Republican's in Massachusetts go from here. We are at a crossroads that the current power vacuum has brought us to. Do we go down the road of becoming a socially conservative party, dominated by the "values voters" or a more mainstream middle of the road party that has brought us victory after victory. The choice is clear and will play itself out over the next two years as we gear up to the town and state committee elections during the presidential primary in 2008.

I am of the wholehearted belief that voters in Massachusetts are libertarian and have been since 1775 when we told the Crown to go packing. We are a Commonwealth of "Leave me Alone", Deval' soundbite "Together We Can" wasn't why he won this election. MassDem chair Phil Johnston said it very succintly in an interview on Jim Braude's television show on Wednesday, "Democrats believe that government has a role in people's lives, Republican's do not." Amen Mr. Johnston, you could not have summed it up better, although you think people want government to have a role in their lives, I don't. Further evidence of this comes from Marty Meehan in 1992 right after he won his first of supposedly four terms (snicker snicker) in Congress, "Congress is the place where you can really make a difference. I think the federal government plays far and away the most important role in American life(11/8/02 Lowell Sun).

I happen to think that no level of Government should play the most important role in any person's life.

We as a party need to make up our mind where we want to go. My vote goes to our philosopy being:


Yeah, leave me alone. Let me marry whoever the hell I feel like, and don't tell me what I can and can't do with my body. I find it interesting that Republicans talk about government leaving them alone, but when they get into office they want to meddle in everyone's bedroom. Gotta hand it to Republicans ability to twist the language and sell it to the public effectively even though you're lying hypocrites.

By the way, I'm completely unenrolled (I vote, but party affiliation is, in today's society, an exercise in wasted energy). So before you accuse me of being a Democrat, I'm not. But don't pretend that the Republicans stand for anything more upright than the Democrats do!
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