Sunday, February 25, 2007

I've moved my posting to Red Mass Group the only publically collaborative conservative/libertarian blog in Massachusetts.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Welcome Commissioner Davis
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Bring on the Barleywines

This has to be my favorite(favourite for all you Canucks) time of the year in the local craft brewing scene. It's the time of the year in which Barleywine, that holy grail of beer, abounds. For thanksgiving weekend I purchased 2 growlers of the Harpoon 100 bbl series Barleywine. What a great choice, I just finished by first glass and can't wait to see how it goes with the Turkey in about a half hour.
I can't wait to try Cambridge Brewing Company's and Boston Beer Works barleywine offerings as the winter progresses.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
It's not about Gay Marriage, It's about the Constitution
The Constitution of the Soverign Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the oldest active constitution in the world, prescribes the way in one may change said Constitution. It doesn't matter what the hell the amendment is, this is not about Gay Marriage, the amendment could be to make kumquats available for sale only on the third Thursday of every month, and my argument would be the same.
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts states that if a certain number of signatures are gathered for an initiative to change the Constituion then the legislature, MUST go into Constitutional Convention and SHALL vote, not may vote, not can vote, but SHALL vote
on said amendment. Only a plurality of the constitutional convention votes is required in two consecutive constitutional conventions to put the vote to the people. The proponents of the gay marriage amendment have the necessary plurality. However the Speaker of the House has
used procedural tactics to delay a vote and now basically kill the vote. The legislature is done at 12 am on January 3, 2006. The constiutional convention voted by a slim majority to "recess" not adjourn, but "recess" until the January 2. By recessing and not adjourning the Governor, and the Supreme Judicial Court(who has ruled they must vote on the pending amendment), have no legal recourse to call the convention back into session. This is a clear violation of
the Constitution of the Commonwealth and how the government of the Commonwealth is supposed to run.
Why is Sal Dimasi so hell bent on destroying the Constitution of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts?
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts states that if a certain number of signatures are gathered for an initiative to change the Constituion then the legislature, MUST go into Constitutional Convention and SHALL vote, not may vote, not can vote, but SHALL vote
on said amendment. Only a plurality of the constitutional convention votes is required in two consecutive constitutional conventions to put the vote to the people. The proponents of the gay marriage amendment have the necessary plurality. However the Speaker of the House has
used procedural tactics to delay a vote and now basically kill the vote. The legislature is done at 12 am on January 3, 2006. The constiutional convention voted by a slim majority to "recess" not adjourn, but "recess" until the January 2. By recessing and not adjourning the Governor, and the Supreme Judicial Court(who has ruled they must vote on the pending amendment), have no legal recourse to call the convention back into session. This is a clear violation of
the Constitution of the Commonwealth and how the government of the Commonwealth is supposed to run.
Why is Sal Dimasi so hell bent on destroying the Constitution of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts?
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
BC Outhustled, Outplayed
Thanks to one of my friends, I scored late tickets to the BC/Vermont game last night. We got there as the second half was starting, and all I can say is ugh. I've not seen uninspired play like I saw out of that Boston College basketball team since my high school playing days for the St. Joseph's Regional High School Crusaders in Lowell. A team that went 0 for my first three seasons.
Watching Vermont play was a thing of beauty on the other hand. Solid defense, the Catamounts actually kept their hands out and up on D in the 2-1-2 zone defense and low and behold, it created significant turnover opportunities. I guess there is a place in Basketball for fundamentals. Vermont seemed to run well designed plays based on player movement throughout the night. It didn't seem as BC ran even one designed play, there was no conistency to their attack.
The worst part of the evening for a BC fan however was that there was no hustle by the BC team after say the 10th minute of play in the second half. Down by 12-16 points for much of the time in the final 10 minutes, there was no sense of urgency on the part of the BC point guard. He lacksidasically brought the ball up to half court and took an eternity looking for an open man.
The other part of BC's game that is unexcusable is their lack of success at the free throw line, gentlemen it's called a free throw for a reason, they are free points. At a Division 1 college level you should really be a little better at shooting free throws. There is no excuse for having a 50% free throw percentage, that's just awful.
My guess is there will be lots of suicide drills today at practice. Lots.
Watching Vermont play was a thing of beauty on the other hand. Solid defense, the Catamounts actually kept their hands out and up on D in the 2-1-2 zone defense and low and behold, it created significant turnover opportunities. I guess there is a place in Basketball for fundamentals. Vermont seemed to run well designed plays based on player movement throughout the night. It didn't seem as BC ran even one designed play, there was no conistency to their attack.
The worst part of the evening for a BC fan however was that there was no hustle by the BC team after say the 10th minute of play in the second half. Down by 12-16 points for much of the time in the final 10 minutes, there was no sense of urgency on the part of the BC point guard. He lacksidasically brought the ball up to half court and took an eternity looking for an open man.
The other part of BC's game that is unexcusable is their lack of success at the free throw line, gentlemen it's called a free throw for a reason, they are free points. At a Division 1 college level you should really be a little better at shooting free throws. There is no excuse for having a 50% free throw percentage, that's just awful.
My guess is there will be lots of suicide drills today at practice. Lots.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Where to from here?
Where do Republican's in Massachusetts go from here. We are at a crossroads that the current power vacuum has brought us to. Do we go down the road of becoming a socially conservative party, dominated by the "values voters" or a more mainstream middle of the road party that has brought us victory after victory. The choice is clear and will play itself out over the next two years as we gear up to the town and state committee elections during the presidential primary in 2008.
I am of the wholehearted belief that voters in Massachusetts are libertarian and have been since 1775 when we told the Crown to go packing. We are a Commonwealth of "Leave me Alone", Deval' soundbite "Together We Can" wasn't why he won this election. MassDem chair Phil Johnston said it very succintly in an interview on Jim Braude's television show on Wednesday, "Democrats believe that government has a role in people's lives, Republican's do not." Amen Mr. Johnston, you could not have summed it up better, although you think people want government to have a role in their lives, I don't. Further evidence of this comes from Marty Meehan in 1992 right after he won his first of supposedly four terms (snicker snicker) in Congress, "Congress is the place where you can really make a difference. I think the federal government plays far and away the most important role in American life(11/8/02 Lowell Sun).
I happen to think that no level of Government should play the most important role in any person's life.
We as a party need to make up our mind where we want to go. My vote goes to our philosopy being:
I am of the wholehearted belief that voters in Massachusetts are libertarian and have been since 1775 when we told the Crown to go packing. We are a Commonwealth of "Leave me Alone", Deval' soundbite "Together We Can" wasn't why he won this election. MassDem chair Phil Johnston said it very succintly in an interview on Jim Braude's television show on Wednesday, "Democrats believe that government has a role in people's lives, Republican's do not." Amen Mr. Johnston, you could not have summed it up better, although you think people want government to have a role in their lives, I don't. Further evidence of this comes from Marty Meehan in 1992 right after he won his first of supposedly four terms (snicker snicker) in Congress, "Congress is the place where you can really make a difference. I think the federal government plays far and away the most important role in American life(11/8/02 Lowell Sun).
I happen to think that no level of Government should play the most important role in any person's life.
We as a party need to make up our mind where we want to go. My vote goes to our philosopy being:
Friday, November 03, 2006
Here's One, New Deval Tax, Expanded Meals Tax
Well it's going to get a little more expensive under Deval Patrick to go out and eat but as LeVar Burton says, you don't have to take my word for it.......
Some define hubris as "excessive pride which usually leads to the downfall of the tragic hero in Greek drama."
Deval Patrick would be wise to study that definition. Because he is acting arrogant by not not.making appearances publicly for a whole day the last week of the election. What is the problem, are his handlers afraid that we'll see the real Patrick at a public event, and maybe a YouTube video will start ciruclating that has his true feelings in it? Nah, I just think its the same reason he won't debate Kerry Healey one on one, because he's a chicken. Bwaaak Bwaaak
Deval Patrick would be wise to study that definition. Because he is acting arrogant by not not.making appearances publicly for a whole day the last week of the election. What is the problem, are his handlers afraid that we'll see the real Patrick at a public event, and maybe a YouTube video will start ciruclating that has his true feelings in it? Nah, I just think its the same reason he won't debate Kerry Healey one on one, because he's a chicken. Bwaaak Bwaaak